ridiculous shapes of these countries - which bear no relation to the
demographic distribution - are thanks to the pointless machinations of
Once I got across, I was the only foreigner and a
sea of taxis. I couldn't wait for other foreigners or travellers to turn
up, so I was forced to take a private taxi to Khokand/Kokand/Qo'qon
The hostel is
about 5 km north of the map
The taxi trip took me nearly 150km for about $US30.
Pretty excessive really, and he even tried to renegotiate halfway there.
But I had told them exactly where I wanted to go, so no. Of course, the
next drama was that I had not been given the chance to get to a
moneychanger, and the driver couldn't do anything with a $US100 note. The
hotel didn't have sufficient funds for that either; they suggested going
to the nearby markets and finding a moneychanger. After wandering about
for a while looking unsuccessfully for a m/c, we went back to the hotel. I
suggested the hotel could take my note, pay the driver his money from the
funds they did have, and they could give me the rest of the changed money
at their leisure. This plan was found acceptable and has been carried out.
(Not without my forcing the concierge to check his working and finding
that he was 20UZS short.)
The concierge, 'Johnny,' does seem to be good bloke, so I won't accuse him
of deliberate attempted fraud. He organised a meal for me when I was
without funds, and told me about the things to do. His English is
acceptable. The hotel otherwise is very good. My room is well-appointed
and comfortable. The carpets seem not to have been vacuumed, but
everything else is spotless. There's a restaurant attached and I had a
rather good laghnan there. This much advertised dish is really just the
noodles and vegetable soup that mum made, again. I'm really not impressed
by the food culture of
Central Asia
so far. Mind you, I haven't tried kumiss yet.
Went for a walk downtown. Not much to see. The Khan's Palace in the
Muqimi park had pretty tiling on the outside, and the park itself was
quite attractive. There was an interesting fair going on near the
intersection of Khamsa and Istiklal; and I walked around to the mosque and
medrassa which had definitely seen better days. It was of course closed by
the time I got there but the janitor let me in to see it with great
displays of friendliness. Of course, when I went out he said I had to give
him 2000UZS ($US0.66). I said I didn't. It isn't the amount that makes me
balk, obviously, but the clear attempt to engage me in a monetary
transaction without my being aware of it. If he'd asked for it at the
beginning, I might have been ok with it.

The Khan's
In Muqimi
Park. It's not old, but it is fancy.
The real
old mosque
Sight number
5 on the map
In the
fairground/park across the road Khamsa from sight number 2 on the
Getting home was a bit of a pain, since the last #7
bus had run by the time I started to stand by the road waiting for it.
Noted: the numbers aren't lit so you can't see them at night until the bus
is right upon you. Also noted: no marshrutkas or Daewoo Danaes got to
Dangara after pm, apparently. I got a taxi.
Stayed up late this night working out my next accommodation. Bit of a
hassle really, because the wireless doesn't reach to my room consistently,
so I had to do it in the conference room where johnny was watching videos
on the PC.
(Monday) |
Had a nice easy morning, and a very good breakfast
at the hotel. It had coffe, some milk syrup thing, apple juice, a saucer
of yoghurt and another of condensed milk to make it edible, a fried egg
and a slide of luncheon sausage, and an entire wheel of bread cut up. Most
satisfactory, and all included in the bill.
Getting onward wasn't so easy. First I had to find the pickup point, then
of course there was the negotiating. I need to write LP a note that the
location of the place needs to be better specified: it's about 5km from
town, beside the big metal smokestack and just before you cross the
railway line. That would have been enough to save me a lot of puzzlement
and got walking.
The trip was interesting. We travelled through the mountains and the hills
were topped with snow. The rocks are all that red pre-shattered suff which
has all sharp corners and edges and looks about ready to fall. Not really
very attractive, but it's a shame I couldn't get a picture of it. It was
also raining and the cloud was so low that in several places we could not
really see where we were going (at 80 km/hr and weaving around the
potholes - the road is in a diabolical condition.) There were a couple of
security stops, and at one place I had to take my passport to an office
for registration while the others waited ahead. We queued in the rain
outside the registration booth. Joy. Then, of course, we had to pile out
of the car while he filled it with petrol: apparently, they don't like
crowds of passengers in the petrol stations. This happened with the other
taxi too, but it was less objectionable then because it wasn't raining.
It eventually took 5 hours to get to Tashkent,
but that was followed by an hour of driving around
in circles trying to find places - my hotel was especially elusive, but we
eventually got here. It's rather a nice B&B place and I'd booked a
single room for two nights. Unfortunately, they've made some sort of
error, and they want to shift me into a dorm room for the next night. It's
a bit of a nuisance, but I think I'm ok with that since it'll save me a
bit of money.
Hostel is on
Sagban street, right at the top left of this map.
(Tuesday) |
Had a nice long comfortable sleep and didn't get up
until 9. Breakfast was pretty good and was even brought to my room for me
to eat at my table. I queried about the possibility of money exchange and
he went off to change $US300 INTO 885,000UZS. It came back in piles of
1000 som notes. How absolutely ridiculous: I feel like one of those bagmen
from the
mobster days. In fact I don't really know what to do with it all. I
eventually decide to take 385,000 with me in various pockets, and to stuff
500,000. Into a pocket of my green bag, which I will now have to leave in
the room, and which will be moved into the dorm after 12 and left
unsecured. This is a suboptimal solution.
Got onto the metro and down to the Uzbekair offices near the train
station. There I bought a ticket with very little difficulty taking me
from here at 5:15pm to
at 6:10 and at a low, low cost of just US$22. I call that very reasonable.
There was a slight problem with a chap who just had to push in in front of
me at the ticket counter. I pushed him back but he continued and the lady
at the counter was obviously more prepared to serve him. I stood it for a
while and then started abusing him loudly and standing about 6 inches from
him - which had basically no effect at all. I don't think I can put up
with this sort of thing very much longer without flattening one of these
rude sons of bitches.
I then began to walk back to the hostel across town (about 4km) taking it
easy and stopping often for snacks and drinks. I visited a few parks and
tried to get to the
Art Museum
, but it was closed. I did get to the Museum of the History of the Uzbek
People, and it was quite interesting. There could have been more English
labelling, but there was enough that I could see the significance of the
displayed items. These weren't very visually exciting, so there are no
photos, but they were interesting in giving the history of the place, and
in showing just how important the figure of Amer Temur (Tamerlane) is in
their consciousness. (It actually took me a little while to work out who
this guy was. It wasn't until I saw the map of his empire that I clicked.)
A health
There are
lots of these neo-classical style buildings. The whole place is very St
See what I
These seem to
be the national bird of Uzbekistan, or perhaps just of Tashkent, the place
is full of their images. These are in the park beside the parliament
building, so it probably shouldn't be alarming that people take photos of
Amir Temur
They admire
him. The Mongolians admire Genghis and the French think Napoleon was
in the mall
A vast range
of things for sale here (just north of the park on the pedestrian mall)
but very few customers. They don't like to be photographed either.
I have to remark that this is most over-policed
place I've ever been to, and I've been to some places. It seemed like
every time I got my camera out there was some officious bugger in a green
uniform demanding an explanation and to see my passport - which they can't
read anyway. But honestly, why is it suspicious that someone should want
to take a photo of a water feature in a park where people are walking
around quite happily? On that occasion, I had no sooner finished with one
guy than someone else started yelling at me. I pointed at the previous guy
who waved his acknowledgement, and I heard the two of them discussing me
on their radios. Good grief.
Home at about 7:30 and joined two other guests for a conversation. One
French girl who was here with her family, and was responsible for booting
me out of my room, and one guy, Eddy, from
. He was quite good value. But even better value was the manager's father
who came out and gave us a concert on his two-string traditional
instrument, which he called a dutar (but I'm not sure he wasn't having us
on and making a joke about it being a 2-string guitar.) I managed to get
some video of this performance. Some of the songs were about the
aforementioned Tamerlane and his dynasty and wars about the
Amu Darya
. Between songs he told us, without any English, about the unified Turkish
nation that had been temporarily split into these silly Uzbek, Kyrgyz, etc
tribes. And about the gifts that have gone out from here to the world:
algebra, al-Khwarizmi, al-Bukhari, etc. he claimed the Arabic numerals and
I said 'Hindi?' And he said with mock outrage, 'No hindi, turki!' It was
all rather fun actually, and more informative than one would expect given
the lack of a common language.
Uybek returned late-ish and we sorted out our money; then he brought me
dinner and I dined in the courtyard as it grew cooler and chatted with
Eddy. All in all, a reasonably pleasant day. I hope the night will go as
(Wednesday) |
I had a better sleep than I had expected last night:
the two others (German girls) didn't come in until well after midnight and
barely woke me up, they were very quiet and considerate. After that I
slept till 5:45 and dropped off again immediately until 8:10. I awoke
refreshed. I was also pleased to discover that breakfast is also included
for the dormitory guests.
I went off to see the Chorsu bazaar, but it was a disappointment, just
like every bazaar I'd been to since I first visited the Khan al-Khalili in
. Lots of clothes, shoes, and junk being sold - except in the food hall,
which looks pretty good quality, but I'm not interested in food shopping.
The Meat
Market has landed
Part of the
bazaar area
The Meat
I never did
find out what this was, but they all use it as a landmark