5. Empirical Functionalisms |
Functional Roles as a Reference-fixing Device The
knowledge constraint on understanding Most
people know what M state terms mean, so a theory about them should
acknowledge this. CSF-ism
does so because the theory’s clauses are supposed to be common knowledge
(inc. implicit.) CSF-ism
thinks of folk knowledge as giving
the meaning of M state terms, but you could think that they just fix
the reference – just as ‘water’ fixed the reference for watery
stuff. We
understood ‘water’ before we knew it was H2O because a.
its reference is fixed by being watery b.
we knew about being watery c.
fixing a term’s reference by things we know suffices for us to
understand it. Empirical
functionalism Empirical
functionalism follows
the second route for M state terms. It has two versions: 1.
the clauses fix on the physical states that actually play the M state
roles in us. This would deny multiple realizability – it’s not
popular. 2.
the clauses fix on further roles that science must discover (a
posteriori.) We identify
M states by folk functional clauses, but M states are not determined by the folk functional roles but by the internal
functional roles that underpin them. Version
2 EF-ism is sometimes stated as: a.
M states are occupants of functional roles b.
Which roles an M-state occupies is up to science to discover But this makes it a mystery how we can identify M
states at all – not knowing science’s final discoveries. We
need the folk clauses to give us identification; but we can suppose that
they are just fixing the reference of the M state terms and don’t give
us their meaning. The
essences of mental states The
same point stated in terms of essences: functional essences of M states
are a posteriori matters, but we
look to the folkf functional roles to iindicate the states of interest. Compare:
the essence of water is H2O, discovered empirically; but we
discover that by testing things that we identify as water by their being
clear, colourless, etc. Chauvinism
and Empirical Functionalism The
chauvinism-liberalism dilemma In
EF-ism input and output (x-put) clauses typically describe x-puts to the
central nervous system. (Because that’s where the internal functional
roles underpinning the folk functional roles are likely to be found.) If
they make these x-put clauses refer to ‘distant’ objects, like the
objects that people are usually aware of, then EF-ism becomes
indistinguishable from CSF-ism. If
they make the x-put clauses more ‘local’ then they invite chauvinism
by excluding things that are unlike us in their physical makeup. Machine
functionalism One
solution might be machine
functionalsm: to give a very abstract characterization of the x-puts
on the assumption that the common-sense roles fix reference only on very
abstract features of ourselves. Two
notions of multiple realization The
coke machine of ch. 3 had x-puts ‘$1’, ‘50c’, ‘coke’. We could
have made the table with 1, 2, 3 in their place. That even more abstract
machine could have described many different less abstract machines. Not
just a coke machine, but also a washing machine or a ticket seller. So we
can think of two notions of multiple realizability: 1.
different states or things in the same functional role 2.
different roles satisfying the same much more abstractly specified role We’ve
been thinking of MR as being like 1. but perhaps it’s like 2. Excessive
liberalism But
this would mean a machine that just does a numerical simulation of our M
states would satisfy the same more sbstractly specified functional roles
as we did. So it would have M states. But
surely the M state pain must have a connection to body damage? The machine
above doesn’t require it; so we think that the machine shouldn’t said to be in pain. It shouldn’t be said to have any M
states. So
this kind of F-ism is too liberal. Internal
architecture chauvinism EF-ists
do need to accept CSF-ist style x-put clauses, and the M state terms are
taken to fix reference on the processing architecture linking the x-puts. But what if there are different architectures that yield the same results – like Mac vs. Windows word processors, or Turing machine vs. Connectionist processors. Is one that works differently from ourselves therefore not a Mind? Seems unfair.
Table 5.1 Varieties of functionalism and their characteristics