Logical Arguments




Argument Strength


In the last lecture I gave a very general theory of arguments, and you may recall that according to that account we think an argument is good if it possess a quality that we called ‘effectiveness’; which is to say that an argument is good iff it causes the respondent to feel the Argument Intuition, so that the respondent is more disposed to accept the conclusion if the other statements are accepted. Now, one consequence of this very general idea of the goodness of an argument (and it’s a deliberate consequence) is that it allows us to understand that arguments may be good to different degrees. If an argument is such that its effect is that the respondent is only slightly more disposed to accept the conclusion if the other statements are accepted, then we call it a weak argument; and if the effect is that the respondent is very much more disposed to accept the conclusion, then we call it a strong argument.


In this way we could establish a scale of argument strength. But notice that on this scale we have fixed points at both ends. At one end we have arguments that are simply ineffective: the disposition to accept the conclusion given the acceptability of the premisses is quite unaltered by the argument. And at the other end we have arguments that are as effective as they can be: the disposition to accept the conclusion is overwhelming given the acceptability of the premisses. It is impossible for us not to accept the conclusion given that we accept the premisses. It’s this latter class that we’re going to be interested in now.




A fundamental marker that we use for the acceptability of statements is our attribution of truth to those statements. We think that a true statement tells us how things really are.[1] And if we think that a statement is true then we think it’s an acceptable thing to believe. (It may not be morally uplifting or beautiful, but it is the right sort of thing to be in our store of statements about how the world is.) It’s natural, then for us to talk about a subset of effective arguments in which the acceptability of the statements is interpreted in terms of the truth of the statements. In that case the scale of argument strengths could be interpreted as referring to the likelihood (or the perceived likelihood if you prefer) that the conclusion is true given that the premisses are true. We could thus arbitrarily distinguish 5 levels of strength to get a scale that looks like this:


1.                   A useless argument is one in which the truth of the premisses has no effect at all on the truth of the conclusion.

2.                   A weak argument is one in which the likelihood of the conclusion’s being true is not much affected by the truth or falsity of the premisses.

3.                   A moderate argument is one in which the likelihood of the conclusion being false if the premisses are true is quite low.

4.                   A strong argument is one in which the likelihood of the conclusion being false if the premisses are true is very low.

5.                   A valid argument is one in which it is just impossible for the conclusion to be false if the premisses are true.


It’s this very last level that we’re interested in. In fact, I’ll separate it from the rest because the term that I used there is a technical term in philosophy that shouldn’t be mixed up with the vernacular terms that I used to name the other levels.




D1.          An argument is Valid if and only if it is impossible for the premisses to be true and the conclusion false


And there’s also the obvious counterpart notion of invalidity.


D2.          An argument is Invalid if and only if it is possible for the premisses to be true and the conclusion false


What sorts of arguments are valid? Well, I’ve been using one for an example pretty regularly. It’s the old Socrates example:


                All men are mortal

                Socrates is a man

                Socrates is mortal


It seems clear to everyone that it is impossible for the premisses to be true and the conclusion false. And, of course, it’s not difficult to find examples of invalid arguments either. For example:


                All men are mortal

                Socrates is mortal

                Socrates is a man


Here we can very well imagine that the premisses could be true but the conclusion false. Socrates might be the name that I give to a pet fish for example.


It’s pretty obvious why we think that validity is valuable. It’s because when we can recognise that an argument is valid we can be assured that the argument won’t take us from true beliefs to false beliefs. Using valid arguments is epistemologically safe; or rather, using valid arguments properly is safe, because validity isn’t the only thing that’s important when we want to use arguments or to evaluate them.


To see this, notice two things:


1.                   Valid arguments can have false premises. (It's just that if they were true then the conclusion would be too). For example:


Socrates is a wombat

All wombats are Greek

Socrates is Greek


To ensure that an argument has a logically compelling conclusion we need to also ensure that we start from true premises, as well as ensuring that true premises force a true conclusion (i.e. validity).


2.                   Valid arguments can have false conclusions.


Socrates is a wombat

All wombats are Spanish

Socrates is Spanish


Valid arguments simply rule out moving from true premises to a false conclusion. They do not tell us whether the premises or conclusion actually are true.




What we’ve just said means that to unequivocally establish a conclusion as true by means of argument we require that:          


1.                   all the premises of the argument are true, and

2.                   the argument is valid.


We need a name for these sorts of argument. The technical term for them is Sound. So:


D3.          An argument is Sound if and only if it is valid and has true premisses.


Such an argument must have a true conclusion.


By validity:            were the premises true the conclusion would have to be true

And:                       the premises are true.

So:                          the conclusion must be true.


If confronted by an argument whose conclusion you think is false, you are thereby committed to either the falsity of some premise, or the invalidity of the argument.

Puzzle for Fun: 

Which if any of the following arguments is valid?    

John is both in the room and not in the room                      

John is Bulgarian                                                                              


                John is Bulgarian                                              

                John is either in the room or he is not




Some valid arguments are valid because of the form of the statements that occur in them. For example, the argument that:


All men are mortal

Socrates is a man

Socrates is mortal


is valid: and any argument that has the form


                All A are B

                X is an A

                X is a B


is going to be valid whenever the A, B, and X are uniformly replaced by some appropriate phrases or names. The sort of form that allows us to tell whether another argument of the same form is going to be valid is called the Logical Form of the argument


Arguments of that sort seem to be quite different from a valid argument such as:


                Socrates is a bachelor

Socrates is unmarried.


There doesn’t seem to be any information about the validity of the argument in its form. We distinguish the first kind of argument as being Formally Valid. They are a very important type of argument because – if they are done right – they can be shown to be as strong as any argument can be. It is arguments of this sort that form the subject matter of Logic. We can think of them as the logical arguments.


There are two main classes of logical arguments that we will consider here. They go by the name of Syllogistic and Propositional logic.


[1] Actually many books have been written about what truth actually is. What I’ve just said is just one theory, but it’s the one that most people think is most reasonable.


Propositional Logic


Propositional Connectives


As the name suggests, propositional logic (also once known as sentential logic) is concerned with the relations between propositions themselves, or between the sentences which represent them. This is a type of argument first considered systematically by the Stoics – especially Chrysippus – but all their work was lost and the modern study did not begin until the 19th C. with George Boole.


We know that some sentences are true and that sentences can be built up from other sentences in many ways, but we find that there are some ways of joining sentences together to make new sentences that are special because the truth of the resulting sentence is a function only of the truth of the smaller sentences that go to build it. The function that is applied is indicated by the words that are used to stick sentences together.


The standard words that we consider are:


1.            ‘or’ for disjunction           


‘Grass is green or snow is white’ is true if ‘grass is green’ is true or ‘snow is white is true’


Of course, this being English, we can’t just blindly look for just that sort of obvious structure in a sentence as a marker for a disjunction. For example we also have a disjunction in a sentence like:


Grass or leaves or mulch make a good compost.


And in cases like this we recognise that there is a disjunction because we can reconstruct it – without changing the meaning – as:


Grass makes a good compost or leaves make a good compost or mulch makes a good compost.


And there’s also the problem of knowing just what is meant by the ‘or’, because there are at least two kinds.


                1.                exclusive (xor)       We’ll have hamburgers or pizza for dinner

                                                                    (but not both.)

                2.                inclusive                 There’s a pen or a pencil in that drawer (or both.)


2.            ‘and’ (‘but’, ‘as well as’, …) for conjunction


‘Grass is green and snow is white’ is true if ‘grass is green’ is true and ‘snow is white is true’


‘Grass and trees are plants’


3.            ‘not’ (‘it is not the case that’, ‘no’, …) for negation


‘Grass is not green’ is true if ‘grass is green’ is not true.


‘It isn’t the case that grass is green’


4.             ‘if … then ---’ for implication


‘If grass is green then snow is white’ is true if in any case that ‘grass is green’ is true it is also the case that ‘snow is white is true’.


Given sentences that use such truth operators or their equivalents we can construct arguments. Here’s a couple of very important forms of arguments that we can get using just these resources.


Disjunctive Syllogism:


P or Q

Not Q    



You are English or you are French.

You are not French.

So, you are English.


Hypothetical Syllogism:


If P then Q

If Q then R

If P then R


If you are English then you like fish and chips.

If you like fish and chips then you are fat.

So, if you are English then you are fat.


Truth Tables


There are effective methods for discovering whether such arguments are valid. The easiest method is by making a table of truth values.


We want to know whether it is possible for the premisses to be true and the conclusion to be false so we make up a table that will allow us to see whether there is some assignment of truth values to the parts of the premises that will make those premises true and the conclusion false.


To do so we use the following definitions for the truth functions.


1.                A                B                A or B

    T                T                  T

    T                F                   T  

    F                T                  T

    F                F                   F


2.                A                B                A and B

    T                T                  T

    T                F                   F

    F                T                  F

    F                F                   F


3.                A                not A

    T                F

    F                T


4.                A                B                if A then B

    T                T                  T

    T                F                   F

    F                T                  T

    F                F                   T


We combine these functions in the truth tables.


                For the disjunctive syllogism


A = You are English

                B = You are French


                A                B                A or B                 not B

                T                T                  T                           F

                T                T                  T                           F

T                F                  T                           T

T                F                   F                          T


                For the hypothetical syllogism


D = You are English

                E = You like fish and chips

                F = You are fat


                D                E            &nÿÿÿÿ   F                if D then E              if E then F      if D then F

                T                T                T                 T                                     T                       T

                T                T                F                  T                                     F                       F

T                F                T                 F                                      T                       T

T                F                F                  F                                     T                       F

F                T                T                 T                                     T                       T

                F                T                F                  T                                     F                       T

F                F                T                 T                                      T                       T

F                F                F                  T                                      T                      T




Conditional Statements


Before we move on to talk about the other important division of logic, we should talk a little bit about those statements that are constructed from other statements using the ‘if … then ---’ connective, because they turn out to be very important in arguments.


The first thing to note is that there is a vocabulary associated with them.


D4.          a.             A statement of the form ‘if P then Q’ is a Conditional Statement.

b.                    In a statement of the form ‘if P then Q’ the constituent statement P is the Antecedent

c.                    In a statement of the form ‘if P then Q’ the constituent statement Q is the Consequent


Of course, language being the flexible thing that it is, not every conditional statement has to have just that form. The following are all equivalent


                If P then Q

                P only if Q

                If P, Q

                Q if P

                Unless Q, not P


From a more general point of view a conditional statement coordinates two parts, the antecedent and the consequent. It claims that any situation in which the antecedent (P in the case above) is true is also a situation in which the consequent (Q here) is true. (Note that it says nothing about situations in which the antecedent is not true.)


Generally, the first thing you should do when you see some sort of conditional statement is to put it into standard form so that you will not be misled by an unfamiliar or perverse phrasing. Note that in the last two forms, for example, the consequent occurs before the antecedent, which may lead to confusion.


A diagram may help to understand what a conditional is saying. The conditional ‘if P then Q’ can be drawn as:














(Think of the circle labelled P or Q as representing the collection of all the situations in which P or Q is true.)


Necessity and Sufficiency


Another way to look at it is to say that the conditional statement claims: that a situation in which P is true is a sufficient condition for Q to be true, and that a situation in which Q is true is a necessary condition for P to be true.


When P is a sufficient condition for Q and also a necessary condition for Q, then we say it is a necessary and sufficient condition for Q.


Note that if P is a necessary and sufficient condition for Q then Q is also a sufficient and necessary condition for P. (To get a feel for this try drawing the pictures.) In such a case it would be true that:


                If P then Q and if Q then P.


This is a biconditional. We write this more succinctly, by combining some of the non-standard forms above, as:


P if and only if Q




Note that a very common mistake for people who are just beginning to study this sort of thing is to think that conditional statements are themselves arguments. They are not; but as I mentioned before they do play a role in a great many types of argument. We’ve already seen the hypothetical syllogism, now here are two more types of argument that are very important:


Modus ponens:


If P then Q




If you are English then you like fish and chips.

You are English.

So, you like fish and chips.


Modus tollens:    


If P then Q

Not Q    

Not P


If you are English then you like fish and chips.

You do not like fish and chips.

So, you are not English.


There are also two very common errors in arguments related to these formally valid arguments. They are formal fallacies because they result from an error in the very form of the argument.


Affirming the consequent:


If P then Q




If you are English then you like fish and chips.

You like fish and chips.

So, you are English.


Denying the antecedent:


If P then Q

Not P     

Not Q


If you are English then you like fish and chips.

You are not English.

So, you do not like fish and chips.


Of course you can use the method of truth tables to satisfy yourself that these arguments really have the qualities that I’ve just claimed. You don’t have to take any of this on faith.


Syllogistic Logic

The other type of logic that I mentioned treats a type of argument that was first considered by Aristotle, the founder of Western logic. Unlike propositional logic, the fundamental parts of syllogistic logic are the terms that name classes or categories, and the logic deals with relations between classes or categories – thus it is sometimes called categorical syllogism (syllogism just means deduction in Greek).


The Socrates example that I began with is the classic example of a syllogism (even though it isn’t one!)


Categorical Propositions


The relations between categories that can be treated purely formally are those of inclusion or part inclusion. Other relations have been tried but they turn out to be hard or useless. The categorical propositions that express these relations are of four possible forms:



1.                   All S are P                              Universal Affirmative                          A

2.                   No S are P                              Universal Negative                              E

3.                   Some S are P                         Particular Affirmative                          I

4.                   Some S are not P                  Particular Negative                              O


where S and P are names of categories (standing for Subject and Predicate.)


We can make some arguments using quantifiers such as many, few, most, at least two, etc., but we can’t make very useful arguments with them – at least not with the formal techniques we’re looking at here.


Syllogistic Arguments


Given two categorical propositions as premisses we can sometimes draw a conclusion in the form of another categorical proposition.


Ex 1.       No G are H                            

                                All F are G                            

                                No F are H                            


                                No men are perfect

                                All Greeks are men

                                No Greeks are perfect


Ex 2.       No G are H                            

                                Some F are G                        

                                Some F are not H                 


                                No philosophers are wicked

                                Some Greeks are philosophers

                                Some Greeks are not wicked


There are rules for finding the possible conclusions for such set of premisses but we won’t go into those here. Do note however that there can be no more than three categorical terms involved.


Venn Diagrams


We can assist our intuitions about categorical arguments by the use of Venn diagrams. In a Venn diagram for a categorical statement with two terms in it we draw two overlapping circles, then we put a cross in a position to represent some object that the statement claims to exist, or we shade all those parts of the diagram where the statement says that no object can be. It’s easier to see this with pictures.


[Draw diagrams on board]


1.                   All S are P             


2.                   No S are P             


3.                   Some S are P


4.                   Some S are not P


To test whether a syllogistic argument is valid, draw a diagram for the first premise; then over the same diagram indicate the conditions for the second premise using a third circle to represent the term not already present in the first premise. If the resulting diagram is consistent with the situation of the conclusion then the argument is valid.


That sounds complicated but some worked examples make it clear what is going on.


[Draw diagrams for:]


Ex 1.       

Ex 2.       


Showing Validity


Showing that an argument is formally valid — i.e. showing that it has the right logical structure — can be done either formally or informally. Formal means for showing validity (and invalidity, for that matter) are the domain of Formal Logic and are too detailed for us to pursue here. (The PHIL1020 course is devoted to this.) Instead we shall simply suppose that:


(i)            there are some simple, uncontroversial cases of valid reasoning. (E.g. modus ponens,

                modus tollens, disjunctive syllogism and hypothetical syllogism.)


And then:


(ii)           given any argument for consideration, we will consider it to be valid just in case we can

                show that its conclusion can be inferred from the premises by use of these simple steps                 or rules.


Showing validity in this way then is a matter of showing that the argument in question has the right kind of logical structure by showing that its conclusion can be derived from the premises in accord with the basic steps or rules of good reasoning.


An Example


Step 1     What is the argument to be analysed?


Ned Kelly was either an outlaw or a political activist. If he was an outlaw or a killer, he deserved what he got. Only if he was fairly tried and justly hung did he deserve what he got. But he was not fairly tried. Therefore, he was a political activist.


Step 2     How are we to evaluate the argument?


                By attending to its structure or logical form.


Using the following abbreviations:


O - Ned Kelly was an outlaw;

P - Ned Kelly was a political activist;

K - Ned Kelly was a killer;

D - Ned Kelly deserved what he got;

T - Ned Kelly was fairly tried;

H - Ned Kelly was justly hung.


the argument can be formalized as follows:


O or R

                if (O or K) then D

                if D then (T and H)

                not T                     



Step 3     Is the argument above valid or invalid?


                Valid. I can prove it as follows:                         


Step 4:                   

                By assumption, if (O or K) then D, and if D then (T and H), so

(1)           if (O or K) then  (T and H)  

                [since the basic rule: 'If A then B, If B then C; hence If A then C' is valid].

                But, by assumption, not-T, so

(2)           not-(T and H)

                [since the basic rule: 'not-A; hence not both (A and B)' is valid].

(3)           So, by (1) and (2), not-(O or K)

                [since the basic rule of modus tollens is valid].

(4)           So, neither O nor K

                [since the basic rule: 'not-(A or B); hence neither A nor B' is valid].

(5)           So, by (4), not-O

                [since the basic rule: 'neither A nor B; hence not-A' is valid].

                Yet, by assumption, O or R.

(6)           Hence, by (5), R

                [since the basic rule: 'not-O, O or P; hence P' is valid].


Such proofs are often not an easy matter and can sometimes take great ingenuity, imagination and insight. We shall focus on showing invalidity — generally an easier task.


Showing Invalidity

It is one thing to think that an argument is invalid, another for it to actually be invalid, and yet another to be able to show this. We shall look at two methods for establishing the invalidity of an argument.


Method 1: Counterexamples


To show an argument X is invalid we can simply point to arguments having the same structure as X which are clearly invalid — i.e. find an argument with the same structure which has obviously true premises and an obviously false conclusion. This will show that argument X has an invalid form and so is invalid.


In other words, to show that argument X is invalid — that the conclusion does not follow from the premises — we need only show that argument X is just like arguing according to some argument Y, where Y is clearly invalid.



          Method 1: Find a Counterexample


   To show that an argument is invalid, you should:

   (i)      Determine the pattern of the argument to be criticised

   (ii)   Construct a new argument with:

              (a)       the same pattern;

              (b)       obviously true premises; and

              (c)       an obviously false conclusion.










So, applying this, consider the argument (2):


          If God created the universe then the theory of evolution is wrong

          The theory of evolution is wrong                                                                    

          God created the universe


If this is valid then it must be because it has a valid logical structure or form. So, any argument of this form will be valid. But arguing according to (2) is just like arguing:


          If Dominic is a wombat then Dominic is a mammal

          Dominic is a mammal                                                  

          Dominic is a wombat


This latter argument has the same structure and is obviously invalid. Premises are obviously true and conclusion is obviously false! So it follows that (2) does not have valid logical structure and so is invalid.


Applying to argument (4).


          If God created the universe then the theory of evolution is wrong            

          God did not create the universe                                                           

          The theory of evolution is not wrong                                                                                             


That's just like arguing:


          If Dominic is a wombat then Dominic is a mammal

          Dominic is not a wombat                                          

          Dominic is not a mammal


which is clearly invalid. So, (4) must be invalid.


Method 2: Invalidating Possible Situations


Another method for showing that an argument is invalid establishes directly that it is not impossible for the premises to true and the conclusion false by showing how it is possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false.


Consider some argument:


          A                             It can be shown to be                                        'A' can be true

          B                ®       invalid if we can show that                ®           'B' can be true

          C                                                                                                            'C' can be false     

                in the same situation.


The claim that an argument is valid amounts to the claim that any situation which makes the premises true makes the conclusion true, so, pointing to a possible or conceivable situation that makes the premises obviously true yet the conclusion obviously false will clearly show that the argument is invalid.


          Method 2: Invalidating Possible Situations


   To show that an argument is invalid, you should:


describe a possible situation in which the premises are obviously true

and the conclusion is obviously false








E.g.                   Fallacy of affirming the consequent


                          If my car is out of fuel, it won't start

                          My car won't start                                                     

                          My car is out of fuel.


Consider now the following possible situation.


                          My car will indeed not start without fuel (it is a fuel-driven car) and the

                          electrical system needed to start the car has been taken out for repairs (so it

                          won't start). Yet the car has a full tank of petrol.


The premises are obviously true in this situation and the conclusion is obviously false.

The situation is not impossible (i.e. it is possible).                                       

So, it is not impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false.

So, the argument is invalid.


E.g.                   Fallacy of denying the antecedent


                          If the Committee addresses wilderness value then it must address naturalness.

                          It will not address wilderness value.            

                          It need not address naturalness.


          Consider now the following possible situation.


Wilderness value involves, amongst other things, naturalness (Federal legislation actually defines 'wilderness value' this way). Moreover, the Committee's terms ofreference do not include consideration of wilderness value  (so it won't address it). Yet the Committee is explicitly formed to consider naturalness (to feed their findings into those of other Committees, so that a joint finding can be made regarding wilderness values).


          The premises are obviously true in this situation and conclusion obviously false.

          The situation is not impossible (i.e. it is possible).                                       

          So, it is not impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false.

                So, the argument is invalid.