Form Analysis of Arguments



Reconstructing Arguments


Argument Completions


In the exercises for the last lecture there was an argument that seemed to have just one premiss, so that the standard form that you were asked to give looked like this:


                United Airlines are on strike


                Other airlines will carry more passengers


Several of you thought that this didn’t look quite right. There didn’t seem to be enough premisses there, or the premisses weren’t of the right sort to support the argument’s conclusion. So when they proposed a standard form they introduced extra statements into the argument that they thought would justify going from the actually stated premiss to the conclusion. Now, on the one hand, this is quite the wrong way to get a standard form, yet, on the other hand, it does seem, in some way, to be the right thing to do.


And of course, when we want to understand an argument it is exactly what we need to do. Arguments just like this are what led us to propose that an argument could not actually be defined just in terms of the standard form. Because whereas that form – which we were then calling the argument base – could give us some of the premisses of the argument which we understood from the text and some of the conclusions, when we wanted to determine whether it was a good or a bad argument we had to define things other than the argument base.


In fact what we required was something we called an argument completion. Let me remind you of how we thought it worked. Suppose you had an argument that didn’t make the respondent feel the argument intuition connecting the premisses and the conclusion, and yet you thought it was a good argument. An argument like


Arg.A.      “All men are animals and all animals are mortal and Socrates is a man so Socrates is mortal.”


which specified the argument base:


F.B:         < ‘All men are animals’,

   ‘All animals are mortal’,

   ‘Socrates is a man’,

   ‘Socrates is mortal’ >


Then one way to answer the respondent’s doubts is to make the argument more explicit by breaking it up into smaller parts which are effective for the respondent. Something like this might work for example:


F.1:         < ‘All men are animals’,

   ‘All animals are mortal’,

   ‘All men are mortal’ >


F.2:         < ‘All men are mortal’

   ‘Socrates is a man’,

   ‘Socrates is mortal’ >


What we’ve done here is to reconstruct the argument so that a sufficient number of the intermediate steps in the intended interpretation of the argument are made apparent to the respondent.


Something similar is done for the problematic argument with just one premiss. It’s obvious that


                < ‘United Airlines are on strike’,

                   ‘Other airlines will carry more passengers’ >


isn’t necessarily going to make all right thinking people immediately feel the argument intuition connecting the premisses and the conclusion, so one good reaction to doubts about the worth of this argument is to present more explicitly the completion of the argument. The sort of thing that people tried was to say that the argument was really


                < ‘United Airlines are on strike’,

                   ‘United Airlines will not carry passengers’ >


                < ‘United Airlines will not carry passengers’,

                   ‘The airlines as a whole have to carry so many passengers’,

                   ‘Other airlines will carry more passengers’ >


Which is a way of reconstructing the argument to make it more convincing.


Of course, we have a slight difficulty here in that we don’t have any really good way of determining what’s going to count as a plausible reconstruction, because we are just talking about this argument intuition that is supposed to make us more disposed to accept the conclusion to an argument if we are disposed to accept the premisses to that argument. Now, however, we’ve got a much better idea of what can stand in the place of this intuition, at least for a certain class of arguments. That is the validity or invalidity of the argument. What we’re going to do now is to see haw we can go about reconstructing arguments using our new concept of validity as a guideline.


Enthymematic Arguments


The first thing that we need to remark upon is just how essential this ability to reconstruct arguments is. Arguments are almost never made fully explicit outside of the artificial conversational environment of a talk on logic or critical reasoning. In the real world, when an argument is put forward it is common to leave some assumed premises implicit; sometimes even the conclusion is left implicit. Considerations governing cooperative conversational situations (e.g. politeness) often dictate that we suppress some argumentative assumptions (i.e. premises). For example, obvious assumptions (e.g. that 2+2=4) are typically suppressed since to include them as explicit assumptions conversationally implies that the audience is unaware of them and this would be impolite. We generally explicitly state the relevant parts of an argument that in the circumstances may be considered to be less than completely obvious. You can see from this how it is that the notion of conversational implicature (and of illocutionary acts in general) that we talked about earlier can be integrated into this business of interpreting and reconstructing arguments.


  • A premise or conclusion that is assumed but not stated is said to be suppressed.        
    (NB: This differs from the definition given in the Text and is that more usually adopted.)

  • An argument which is interpreted as containing suppressed premises or a suppressed conclusion is called an enthymeme — the argument is enthymematic.




Claim / Argument






Enthymematic Argument


Suppressed Premisses


Here, for example is an argument which is an enthymeme with suppressed premise.


                'John is a native-born American so John is an American citizen'


This can plausibly be interpreted as an argument with suppressed premise 'All native-born Americans are American citizens' — a factual premise supplied by the American Constitution.




John is a native-born American


John is an American citizen





John is a native-born American

All native-born Americans are American Citizens


John is an American citizen



The premiss in the argument discussed above might not have been explicitly stated by a reasoner, and only after interpretation do we decide it was implicitly assumed and was thus a suppressed premiss.


Suppressed Conclusion


Here is an enthymeme with a suppressed conclusion.


                'No sane person would do that but you would'


This can plausibly be interpreted, in appropriate circumstances, as an argument with suppressed conclusion 'You're insane'




No sane person would do that but you would






No sane person would do that (i.e. X)

You would (do X)

You are insane



Rules of Reconstruction


The act of interpretation is guided by the Principle of Charity. When refining an argument by means of interpretation, always interpret it so as to make the refined argument as strong and plausible as circumstances allow. That is, interpret the argument so that it is as strong and plausible as possible, consistent with the interpretation being an interpretation of the argument now before us. The latter constraint suggests that the act of interpretation is also guided by a Principle of Textual Fidelity.


a.                    Charity


Charity is to be employed because, in this way, our inquiry as to whether or not what is being argued for can be defended or backed up by good reasons is sincerely and fruitfully pursued. If we reconstruct an argument in such a way that it appears as a weak argument we do little or nothing in the way of inquiring as to whether there are good reasons for the claim in question.


So how do we decide that some particular premiss rather than some other premiss is the thing to assume? What would be the strongest possible result of a reconstruction? Obviously that would be if the argument were valid, because then we would have no choice but to accept the conclusion if we accepted the premisses. Therefore, what we try to do is to reconstruct the argument in such a way that the result is an argument that is valid. You will see that the reconstructed argument in the example is valid, because


John is a native-born American

All native-born Americans are American Citizens


John is an American citizen


is an argument in the form of


S is P

All P are Q


S is Q


which is a valid form. (Just check the Venn diagrams, or consider how a counterexample is inconceivable.)


Sometimes, however, we are not justified in reconstructing a valid argument from the argument materials that are provided to us explicitly – which brings us back to fidelity.


b.                    Fidelity


Fidelity is to be employed because we are interested whether or not the arguments under consideration are good arguments, thus we must aim to provide an interpretation of them (not some other, perhaps stronger, argument that comes to mind which could in no way be attributed to the advocate of the argument in question.) For example, suppose Bob presents the argument


                John is Australian


                John is happy


We probably wouldn’t think that the appropriate reconstruction is the valid argument


                John is Australian

                All Australians are happy


                John is happy


because we wouldn’t think that it’s likely that Bob actually intends us to understand that he thinks that all Australians are happy. Nor would we think that it should be reconstructed as


                John is Australian

                All Australians voted for Howard


                John voted for Howard


                John voted for Howard

                Everyone who voted for Howard is happy


                John is happy


for a similar reason. And if we think through a reasonable number of such interpretations we’ll probably conclude that the argument simply can’t plausibly be made into a valid argument while staying faithful to the sorts of things that we can really believe that Bob believes. In a case like this we are prepared to be satisfied with arguments of lesser strength. We might accept, for example, the reconstruction


                John is Australian

                Australians tend to be happy-go-lucky folk


                John is happy


which is a reasonably strong argument, with a suppressed premiss that we could reasonably believe that Bob believes.


Diagramming Arguments


Much of what we’ve been talking about in the preceding lectures has to do with the forms of arguments, and an analysis of whether or not an argument is good or bad can usefully begin with a careful study of the form of the argument. There is a called argument diagramming which is useful in that sort of analysis.


We use argument diagrams to represent the structure of an argument: how the reasons are supposed to be related to the conclusion. In an argument diagram the statements are represented by their numbers for convenience, and the claim that the statement or the set of statements, X, supports the statement, Y, is represented by an arrow pointing from X to Y.


To create an argument diagram begin by numbering the statements in the argument.

Then build up a picture of the argument structure as a combination of the four basic types of argument structure.


Basic Argument Structures


1.                   Serial Arguments


If we have an argument with three numbered statements, in which statement 1 is a reason that supports statement 2 (which is therefore an intermediate conclusion), and statement 2 is itself a reason that supports statement 3 (which is the final conclusion), the diagram looks like:
















Here’s an example. Suppose we’re given a statement:


We are under attack from implacable enemies, so we need to protect ourselves. That’s why I think the Patriot act is required.


We can identify at least three major statements in this argument, and so we give them numbers, like this:


(1)[We are under attack from implacable enemies], so (2)[we need to protect ourselves.] That’s why (3)[I think the Patriot act is required.]


We can also identify a couple of argument indicators, ‘so’, and ‘that’s why’. These are both conclusion indicators. It’s a good idea to mark them too. So:


(1)[We are under attack from implacable enemies], so (2)[we need to protect ourselves.] That’s why (3)[I think the Patriot act is required.]


Given this preliminary analysis, it looks like statement (1) is a premiss that is intended to support statement (2), and statement (2) is therefore a conclusion. But statement (2) is also a premiss that supports statement (3). So we think that (2) is an intermediate conclusion and (3) is the final conclusion, and the argument has a serial structure.


2.                   Divergent Arguments


If we have an argument with three numbered statements, in which statement 1 is a reason that supports both statement 2 (which is a conclusion), and statement 3 (which is another conclusion), then the diagram looks like:












Here’s an example. Suppose we’re given a statement:


We are under attack from implacable enemies, so we need to protect ourselves. I also think that we should fight back.


We can again identify at least three major statements in this argument, and so we give them numbers, like this:


(1)[We are under attack from implacable enemies], so (2)[we need to protect ourselves.] (3)[I also think that we should fight back.]


Again we mark any argument indicators that we find. So:


(1)[We are under attack from implacable enemies], so (2)[we need to protect ourselves.] (3)[I also think that we should fight back.]


Given this preliminary analysis, it looks like statement (1) is a premiss that is intended to support statement (2), and statement (2) is therefore a conclusion. But statement (3), which has no markers attached, is also reasonably thought of as being a conclusion supported by (1). If we had a statement that was just


We are under attack from implacable enemies. I also think that we should fight back.


We wouldn’t doubt that this was an argument. If that’s right, then (1) is a premiss that independently supports both (2) and (3), and the argument has a divergent structure.

3.                   Convergent Arguments


If we have an argument with three numbered statements, in which statement 1 is a reason that independently supports statement 3 (which is a conclusion), and statement 2 is another reason that independently supports the conclusion, then the diagram looks like:  












The important concept here is that of independent support. To say a reason is independent is to say that if the other reasons fail, that reason will still provide support for the conclusion.


Here’s an example. Suppose we’re given a statement:


A life of crime is not to be desired. Criminals are usually quite unhappy people, and they often come to unpleasant ends.


We can identify at least three major statements in this argument, and so we give them numbers, like this:


(1)[ A life of crime is not to be desired.] (2)[Criminals are usually quite unhappy people] and (3)[they often come to unpleasant ends.]


There are no indicators here, but they’re hardly necessary. It looks like statement (1) is supposed to be the conclusion of the argument and both statement (2) and statement (3) are premisses that are intended to support it. Moreover, both (2) and (3) are reasons that could support the conclusion without the help of the other reason. So we think that the argument has a convergent structure.


Convergent arguments are particularly used where there are several reasons to believe a conclusion, but none of the reasons is conclusive – none of them are reasonably interpreted or reconstructed as valid arguments.


4.                   Linked Arguments


If we have an argument with three numbered statements, in which statement 1 is a reason that supports statement 3 (which is a conclusion), and statement 2 is another reason that supports the conclusion, but those reasons are not independent, then the diagram looks like:










In a linked argument the failure of one reason means that the argument fails because the other reasons do not independently support the conclusion.


We’re pretty familiar with these sorts of arguments. The Socrates argument is one, for example:


Socrates is a man and all men are mortal, so Socrates is mortal.


We identify the three statements, number them; and spot the conclusion marker, and mark it. So:


(1)[Socrates is a man] and (2)[all men are mortal,] so (3)[Socrates is mortal.]


Here statement (1) is a reason for the conclusion (3) and so is statement (2). But they only work to support the conclusion if they are both there. If either (1) or (2) were omitted then there would be no very great support for (3). Thus we think that the argument has a linked structure.


Arguments that claim to provide support for a conclusion by collecting together a large number of rather weak reasons in support of a conclusion are best thought of as linked arguments (rather than convergent.)


Hidden Elements


We mark hidden premises in a diagram by enclosing the number in square brackets, e.g.




Arguments may also have gaps that are due to some stages of the argument being left unstated. There may be hidden intermediate conclusions that are supported by reasons, and which also play a role as support for ((hidden) intermediate) conclusions. The interpretation of an argument so that it relies upon hidden intermediate conclusions is again a matter of charitable interpretation.


We mark hidden intermediate conclusions in the same way as hidden premises.


Consider the example we used before. We’re given the statement


United Airlines are on strike, so other airlines will carry more passengers.


We do the standard analysis and we get:


(1)[United Airlines are on strike], so (2)[other airlines will carry more passengers.]


which would be given the diagram











But if we include the hidden intermediate conclusion that was suggested earlier, that


                (3)[The airlines as a whole have to carry so many passengers]


then we can see the argument as having the following form.












The possibility of hidden premises and intermediate conclusions means that the charitable interpretation of an argument may be very much more complex than the expressed argument.




I’ll take the opportunity now of introducing the notion of conditionalisation. If we have an argument of the form:





(where the inference (a) may abbreviate a very long and complex argument) and every inference in that argument is deductively valid, then we can deduce the conditional statement ‘If A then B’. This is the conditionalisation of the argument from A to B. We could diagram it as:










We put the original argument in a box to signify that the reasons which occur in it (in this case just A) are not the supports for the conclusion ‘if A then B’, but the argument from A to B as a whole is the reason that supports it.


We can use conditionalisation and modus tollens to create a form of argument that refutes a statement by showing that it contradicts another statement that we know to be true.


Reductio ad absurdum (RAA):















Here’s an example. Suppose we’re given a statement:


I know that I do not know anything.


There’s an argument against this that goes:


Suppose it’s true that I know that I don’t know anything. If that’s the case then it’s also true that I don’t know that I don’t know anything. So I both know and don’t know that I don’t know anything. But that’s absurd because I can’t both know and not know the very same thing. Thus it can’t be true that I know that I don’t know anything.


We can identify the major statements and indicators in this argument like this:


Suppose it’s true that 1(I know that I don’t know anything.) If 1(that’s the case) then it’s also true that 2(I don’t know that I don’t know anything.) So 3(I both know and don’t know that I don’t know anything.) But 4(that’s absurd) because 5(I can’t both know and not know the very same thing.) Thus 5(it can’t be true that I know that I don’t know anything.)


This argument structure looks like this:

















which is the structure we assigned to a RAA argument.


Complex Arguments


Complexity in arguments can also be the result of the argument being a combination of the basic forms. This is best seen in some examples.


1.                   1(In rape cases, sentences should be lighter for those who plead guilty than for those who plead not guilty.) 2(Appearing in court is a very distressing experience for a victim of rape.) 3(If the defendant pleads guilty, the victim does not have to appear in court.) 4(If sentences are as heavy for those who plead guilty as for those who plead not guilty, all defendants will plead not guilty), because 5(there is nothing to lose.)



                                                                                  a ¯

2          +          3          +          4




There is one inference indicator here, but it points toward the conclusion of a subargument. The main conclusion is stated in the first sentence and the argument in support of it then follows. The structure is rather similar to that of the previous argument, but with more reasons linked.


2.                   1(Our souls are immortal.) We know this from 2(revelation), but we also know it by 3(philosophical argument.) 4(For example, we can prove the immortality of the soul by simply attending to its indivisibility), for 5(only composite things can be destroyed) and because 6(it is pure substance) 7(the soul is incomposite.)




5          +          7




2          3

d¯           e¯



We now begin to see how arguments can be of almost arbitrary complexity. In this case we have several subarguments that form subordinate parts of an argument whose overall form is convergent. The argument says that we know the truth of the conclusion by revelation (2) and also by philosophical argument (3). If the philosophical argument failed the revelation would still remain, and vice versa. The argument then sets aside revelation to concentrate upon the philosophical argument. It states in (4) what sort of philosophical argument will prove the conclusion. (4) thus supports the claim in (3), which is thus an intermediate conclusion as well as being a reason supporting (1). The claim in (4) is then made an intermediate conclusion itself, being supported by a linked argument from (5) and (7). Finally, (7) is supported by (6), making (7) too an intermediate conclusion.


Examples of Dialectic Analysis


Reasons against a conclusion


                                1(We need to generate                        2(Nuclear power plants

                                   more electric power)                         are very controversial)

                                                             ¯                                  ~¯

                                                3(We should build more

                                                                nuclear power plants)


   2                                                           2

~¯                    =                              ¯

  3                                                            not 3


Reasons against a reason


                                                                4(If we were more careful users,

                                                                   we wouldn’t need more power)


                                                                    3(We need to generate

                                                                       more electric power)



Reasons against an inference



                                                1(We need to generate                                       

                                                                                   more electric power)                        

                                                5(Coal-fired power

                                                stations are much       ~®¯

                                                easier to build)

                                                                                3(We should build more

                                                                                    nuclear power plants)


A Debate


Alice:      1(A good God would not allow her creatures to suffer pointlessly) and 2(an all-powerful God would be able to prevent this happening.) But 3(there is a great deal of pointless suffering in the world.) Therefore 4(the world could not have been created by an all-good and all-powerful God.)


Bob:        I disagree. 5(Suffering is a vital part of a person’s spiritual and personal development), and 6(something that is vital in that way can’t be described as pointless.)


Alice:      I’ve heard that argument before, but 7(some suffering is actually destructive of people’s spiritual and personal development.) For example, 8(a child that is tortured and murdered would have suffered terribly without that suffering contributing to their personal or spiritual growth.)


Bob:        Well maybe, but consider this: 9(pointless suffering (for example, the suffering of a murdered child) is brought about by God’s creatures, not God herself.) 10(These creatures (both human and non-human) create suffering through their wilful actions.) 11(Wilful actions come about through the exercise of free-will) and 12(it is better for God to have created a world in which her creatures have free will than a world in which they must automatically follow a pre-determined path.) Thus 13(a good God, should, after all, create a world in which her creatures experience pointless suffering.)

Para. 1:

                                                1              +              2              +              3




Para. 2:

                                                                                                5       &nbÿÿ;&ÿÿsp;     ÿÿ/span>+              6


                                                1              +              2              +              3




Para. 3:





                                                                                                 5              +              6


                                                1              +              2              +              3




Para. 4:



                       9   +   10   +   11   +   12                                   7

                                                ¯                                         ~ ¯

                                                13                                            5              +              6

                                               ~¯                                             ¯~

                                                1              +              2              +              3

