(Tuesday) |
Drove from
Amboise to PERIGUEUX.
Took off early in the morning (by my standards: I
was on the road at 10:25) to get to Perigueux in the
with some light remaining. It was a pretty unpleasant trip to start with.
It rained very heavily from
to some way past
. With everyone travelling at 120-130 and visibility less than that many
metres it sometimes got a bit hairy. Also, I managed to make more than the
usual number of false turns, and most of these weren't my fault, but the
fault of deceptive signage. I'm particularly annoyed that a big sign said
'This way to Perigueux' and took me on to the N141 to
. I would have gotten to Perigueux eventually, but it would have been via
a very wide circle - almost double the necessary length. And I think I got
caught on a speed camera, which is annoying. Oh, and! the toll booths
don't take MasterCard at all, despite the lack of any difficulty on the
northern roads, and despite there being MasterCard signs on the sides of
the machine. So I had to back out (thank you madam, and sorry to do that)
and go to the cash booth at the far right. Looks like that's going to be
the procedure from now on.
By 15:30 I'd found my way into the city. (So, 5 1/2 hours driving.) It was
easy enough to get to the Ibis/Etap hotel after I recognised some roads
and sat with my maps and oriented myself. I've deleted the free
maps from the iPad, since they are all quite useless. The best thing to do
is charge up the Maps app with the detailed maps for what you want before
leaving. Not ideal, but without an Internet connection the only other
option is dead trees.
Map of the
area is conventionally vaguely divided into Green (around Nonton,) White (Perigueux,)
Purple (Bergerac,) and Black (Sarlat.) The names allude to the
characteristics of the different landscapes affected by, respectively, the
green beech and spruce forests, the limestone plateuax, the vineyards, and
the dark oak and pine forests.
The hotel is quite nice, but absolutely no
character. Walked about town a bit and had a look at the cathedral.
Interesting Greek cross design showing its age, but, as the guide says,
very badly (as in, tastelessly) restored. Bought food on the way back from
Carrefour. 11e will feed me well tonight.
Map of
My hotel was
the Etap, no. 4 on the map.
The original Gallic
city, Vesunna, the capital of the Petrocorii, was on the other side of the
river Isle. The Roman city was in the south where the railroad now passes
(Wednesday) |
Very dull day. Today is May Day and it's a bank
holiday (which i think is called here a faerie des travail lemurs, I mean ferié
des travailleurs, thank you auto correct) and everything is closed
except for a few food shops. I determine to see the archaeological musum
before I leave: I have heard a lot about it. I wandered about the town and
looked at the
, a Roman period ruin of a temple dedicated to the Gaulish goddess, and
along the river a bit where there were several people jogging or walking
their dogs. I would like to have looked into the Musée
Gallo-Romain but the best I could do was peer into the
surrounding glass windows to see the huge excavated domus in
there. Other than that there was nothing to do but plan the next part
s of my tripping. Oh yes, there was also a very lackadaisical protest by
the CGT in town (plus de colere, mes braves!) - but there wasn't anyone to
see them, so what could be the point of it?
Why do the homeless beggars of
all have dogs?
Tower of
part of a temple to the Gallic god Vesunna at the very heart of the Roman
May day,
may day
(Thursday) |
Didn't have a lot of luck with the prehistoric sites
around Les Eyzies! I got to have a tour of the Grand Roc, which was just a
passage with a lot of stalactites and stalagmites (c'est 't' pour 'tomber'
et 'm' pour 'monter' - or so he was telling the kids, who were very
interested and asked a lot of questions. On the other hand the rest of the
caves were closed for today (Combarelles) or sold out (Font de Gaume) and
the museum was closed until 2, so I resigned myself to a meal in a
pleasant little bar beside the road and museum. So I waited, but the
museum was worth the wait.
of the cave art sites around Les Eyzies
from Hawkes, J. (1974) 'Atlas of Ancient Archaeology' London:Heineman
overhang makes for a fine shelter that attracted ancient inhabitants.
path down is not the same as the path up.
from the museum
A cave
bear from the museum. A very lifelike reconstruction, but I thought that
the bears were larger than that. This is only about the size of a brown
bear. They made a great impression on me as a youngster reading the
Time/Life book on Early Man with the picture of the caveman confronting a
bear as part of the
bear cult. And that impression of awesomeness was reinforced when I
read Jean Auel's 'Clan of the Cave Bear.'
Finally, I went out to
. When I eventually found the place I was turned back at the entrance
because you have to buy your tickets at the Tourist Info office in
Montignac. That's 2km back the way you came. Except that there's no
obvious way to find your way through the one way streets into Montignac,
and there are no signs for the office that I could see. I gave it up as a
bad job nod drove home. Also not much fun. I was sent circling through
Perigueux for half an hour, including an episode of being directed into
the Francheville underground car park, where I had to ask for help to get
out. (The machine wouldn't give a ticket and you can't get out without
Not a great day.
Horse in Lascaux
didn't get to see this!
(Friday) |
Drove from
Perigueux to PREIXAN.
Started well today with the battery flat. Waited for
an hour for someone to come help, but I don't think they were ever
actually called. The car started by itself anyway, so that's ok. This and
other delays meant that I couldn't really spend the morning at the museums
that I wanted to check out. I'm just going to have to write off this
section as being an unsatisfactory effort.
Drove for 4 hours to this little village south of
. Very pleasant. There's only myself and Harry, an older gentleman (but
not too much so,) as guests, so its quite cosy. Got off to a great start
by dinging the hostess' car trying to back it out of the narrow drive.
Tracey was nice about it but I'm pissed off with this stupid car. It's
impossible to get the gears to change smoothly and it has almost no
visibility reversing or going round corners. (The rear view mirror is
directly in the centre of the main window - how dumb is that.)
Harry and I went to get a pizza in the town. Good food, a beer, and a nice
in the Aude
is about 10 km south of it.
of Preixan
the whereis app on the iPad. The purple pin marks the site of Sidsmums
Travellers' Rest..
(Saturday) |
Went in to
town with Harry. It was useful to have someone to guide me into the
parking areas, but as it happened there was not the free parking on the
periphery that I'd been promised by Tracey. Still, it turned out pretty
cheap so no harm done.
The town was having a market day and the centre was full of vegetable and
meat sellers. All a bit same-ish, I thought. Around the outside there were
other markets that were selling all sorts of stuff - a bit like an
extended car boot sale. And it was mostly being done by dark-skinned
people: I've got no real idea about their ethnicity, but they didn't look
classic French.
The mediaeval city of
, just across the river to the south-east was quite impressive. It has
been very well and thoroughly renovated; and the walls and the
fortifications and rooftops and so on are very imposing. The internals of
the place weren't as impressive, since there's not much to be seen. The
little church at the bottom off the hill was better and the screen of
windows was different from most of the other churches I'd seen. I
identified a Jesse window, which was quite fun. Outside the church was
supposed to be an amphitheatre, but neither I nor another chap with his
family were able to find it. We assume its behind the construction fencing
and not accessible.
Lunched at a nice little courtyard place. Just a sandwich and a coffee.
Couldn't face the crowds in the main places, but they looked quite
attractive and fun too.
de Carcassonne
reconstructed by Viollet-le-Duc.
of la Cité
mighty mediaeval
the inner museum
the main square. That was too busy for me: I found a nice secluded garden
courtyard place, and was much happier.
alarmed gargoyle. Didn't I see this fellow sitting by Jabba the Hutt in
'The Empire Strikes Back'?
It took me bloody hours to find my way out of the
city. I didn't realise that the relevant signposts were for Limoux, which
is a small town further down the road from Preixan. I thought they'd point
me to more significant places, or to more local places. That was hard.
However, got back unfazed, and did some shopping. Chatted with Harry a lot
of the night and we turned in a bit early. We've got a young couple of
German guys have joined us, but they chose to go into one of the cabins. I
think they vaant to be aloone.
(Sunday) |
This morning and most of the afternoon Harry and I
went for a walk through the countryside southwards of our little village.
We eventually wound up in Montclar. This was really not a very nice
village. It was almost empty of life: not even a dairy or a shop to buy a
drink at, which I was really counting on. Some of the houses around that
village, on the other hand, are rather nice. We looked pretty closely at
one that was being built, and were unable to interpret the purpose of a
lot of what had been done. Not that it matters.
I also went for a little walk about the village,
noting that it was much nicer than the one we'd seen earlier that day, I
thought it appropriate to record some of its charms. These are a bit hard
to capture on film: it's not just that its picturesque; it is that the
lady in the shop keeps odd hours, that they are doing some renovations in
the Main Street, that the dog that belongs to the previous owner of the
hostel likes to hang out out front of it still, and so on. Very
Clochemerle, Harry calls it, who has been here for while now.
I asked Tracey for the DVD of 'Independence Day' to watch, but it was
really too late by that time. I gave up at 1.
of a typical street in Preixan