Chapter 1: Beginning Logic



1.1: Introduction


Logic is concerned with arguments.

People give reasons for what they are claiming.

What they are claiming is the conclusion of an argument

The reasons they give are the premisses of it.

Logic deals with the quality of support that premisses provide for a conclusion.

In particular is concerned with the patterns internal to arguments.


1.2: Propositions


The premisses and conclusions of arguments are propositions.

Propositions are the sorts of things expressed in language which can be either true or false.

Not all sentences express propositions: questions, commands exclamations, and wishes are not true or false.


1.3: Negation, Conjunction, and Disjunction


Propositions can be basic or compound.

Compound propositions can be constructed from basic propositions by applying an operation to the basic propositions.


Some propositions are the negation of other propositions. They are constructed from other propositions by applying of the operation of negation to them.

'Jane is not happy' is the negation of  'Jane is happy'

'Jane is happy' is the negand of the proposition 'Jane is not happy': it is the thing negated.

Negation is a monadic operation because it operates on just one proposition.


'Jane is happy and Bill is sad' is the conjunction of 'Jane is happy' and 'Bill is sad'

They are its conjuncts.

Conjunction operates on two propositions, so it is called a dyadic operator.

The most common words to express this operation are: and, but, although, in spite of, ...


'Jane is happy or Bill is sad' is the disjunction of 'Jane is happy' and 'Bill is sad'

They are its disjuncts.

Disjunction is a dyadic operator.

The most common words to express this operation are: either ... or, or, unless, ...

There are two types of disjunction: inclusive ('A or B' means 'A or B or both'), and exclusive ('A or B' means 'A or B but not both')


1.4: Conditionals and Biconditionals


'If it is raining then there are clouds' is a conditional.

A conditional says that one proposition implies another.

The operation applied is the dyadic operation of implication.

The proposition which does the implying is the antecedent: in the example it is 'It is raining'.

The proposition which is implied is the consequent: in the example it is 'There are clouds'.

The most common words to express this operation are 'if ... then ---', 'only if'.

(Note that 'A only if B' means the same as 'if A then B'.)

(Note that antecedent does not mean 'comes first in the sentence', for example 'A if B' is the same as 'if B then A' and so B is the antecedent.)


'We will go on a picnic if and only if it is sunny' is a biconditional: it is an abbreviation of 'We will go on a picnic if it is sunny and we will go on a picnic only if it is sunny'. This is a conjunction of two conditionals.

1.  'We will go on a picnic if it is sunny'

2.  'We will go on a picnic only if it is sunny'

These are equivalent to

1'. 'if it is sunny then we will go on a picnic '

2'. 'if we will go on a picnic then it is sunny'

So each proposition is both antecedent and consequent and they imply each other.

In the biconditional 'A if and only if B', proposition A is the left hand expression (LHE) and B is the right hand expression (RHE).

'if and only if' is abbreviated 'iff'.


1.5: Basic and Compound Propositions


Compound propositions can be constructed from basic propositions by applying an operation to the basic propositions.

We have 6 kinds now: negation, conjunction, inclusive disjunction, exclusive disjunction, conditional and biconditional.


1.6: Contrary, Contradictory, and Equivalent


There can be logical relationships between statements.

The relationship of denial can be expressed in several ways.


A pair of propositions are contradictory if and only if they cannot both be true and they cannot both be false

A statement and its negation are negation contradictories. For example '2 is odd' and '2 is not odd'.

But there are also non-negation contradictories: For example '2 is odd' and '2 is even'.

Contradictories exclude each other and they do exhaust the possibilities.


A pair of propositions are contraries if and only if they cannot both be true but they could both be false. For example. 'Bob is red' and 'Bob is blue'.

Contraries exclude each other but they do not exhaust the possibilities.


A pair of propositions are subcontraries if and only if they cannot both be false but they could both be true. For example. 'Bob is not red' and 'Bob is not blue'.

Subcontraries do not exclude each other but they do exhaust the possibilities.



Here is the traditional square of oppositions


       All F are G       No F are G 



      Some F are G       Some F are not G 


The statements that are diagonally opposed are contradictories.


Here is the propositional square of oppositions


          Ra and S       not R and not S 



     Either R or S       Either not R or not S 


(NB. inclusive disjunction is assumed.)

The statements that are diagonally opposed are contradictories.

The two top statements are contraries.

The two bottom.statements are subcontraries.



A pair of propositions are equivalent if and only if the always have the same truth value.

Given a pair of contradictories, the negation of one is the equivalent of the other.


1.7: Arguments and Logical Form



In an argument the premisses may be marked by words or phrases called premiss markers. For example: because, for the following reason, ...

The conclusion may be marked by words or phrases called conclusion markers. For example: therefore, so, hence, ...

Some link premisses and conclusions. For example: since, Why? Because, ...


If premisses are claimed to give conclusive support to the conclusion the argument is a deductive argument.

If premisses are claimed to give support that is less than conclusive it is a non-deductive argument.

If the claim that premisses give conclusive support to the conclusion is correct the argument is deductively valid.

If the claim that premisses give a high degree of likelihood to the conclusion is correct the argument is a strong non-deductive one. Similarly for a weak one.


The standard form of an argument containing n premisses and a conclusion is


          premiss 1

          premiss 2


          premiss n




In analyzing arguments we abbreviate the basic propositions with capital letters. These abbreviations are listed in a dictionary.


Compound propositions can be seen as having logical form. This is usually displayed using letters p, q, r, ... For example:

negations have the logical form     not p

conditionals have the lf     if p then q


Arguments also have a logical form. For example:


          if p then q

          not q


          not p


Since the p, q, r, variables may stand for compound propositions there may be several logical forms for any argument. For example an argument with this form


          if (p and q) then r

          not r


          not (p and q)


could also be described as having the form


          if p then q

          not q


          not p


or even, least usefully, the form







One of these forms has a special name: the explicit propositional form of any argument is the form of the argument in terms of its basic propositional constituents.


1.8: Validity and Soundness of Arguments



An argument is valid if and only if the truth of the premisses guarantees the truth of the conclusion.


If an argument has a valid form then it is a valid argument.

(NB: It only needs to have one valid form to work.)


An argument form is invalid if and only if there is an argument with that form with its premisses all true and its conclusion false.


Here are four very useful valid forms with their traditional names.


Modus Ponens, or Affirming the Antecedent (AA)


          if p then q





Modus Tollens, or Denying the Consequent (DC)


          if p then q

          not q


          not p


Hypothetical Syllogism, or Chain Argument (CA)


          if p then q

          if q then r


          if p then r


Disjunctive Syllogism, or Denying a Disjunct (DD)


          Either p or q

          not p




An argument is sound if and only if it is both valid and has true premisses.